Dizziness and Vertigo

Dizziness and Vertigo

Dizziness and vertigo are two common conditions that can cause a feeling of spinning or disorientation. At our neurology clinic, our skilled doctors have experience in diagnosing and treating these conditions using the latest technology and techniques.If you are experiencing dizziness or vertigo, it could be a sign of an underlying condition such as Meniere's disease, vestibular migraines or demyelinating disease. Our team will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the cause of your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you feel better.With our at-home and telehealth services, you can receive high-quality care from the comfort of your own home. Our doctors will provide guidance and support every step of the way, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.Don't let dizziness and vertigo control your life. Book an appointment with us today and take the first step towards feeling better.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is vertigo?

Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or dizziness that can cause a person to feel unsteady or off balance. It is a common neurological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide.

What are the symptoms of vertigo?

The most common symptoms of vertigo include dizziness, lightheadedness, loss of balance, and a feeling of spinning or swaying.

  • Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, difficulty walking or standing, and a loss of coordination.

How does one know they have vertigo?

A person may suspect they have vertigo if they experience any of the symptoms mentioned above. However, a diagnosis of vertigo can only be made by a healthcare professional, such as a neurologist or an ear, nose, and throat specialist. This can be done through a physical examination, as well as through various tests such as a balance test, imaging scans, and blood tests.

What are the most common treatments for vertigo?

The treatment for vertigo depends on the underlying cause of the condition.

  • In some cases, vertigo may be treated with medications, such as anti-dizziness drugs or antihistamines.

  • In other cases, physical therapy or vestibular rehabilitation may be recommended to help improve balance and coordination.

  • In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat the underlying cause of vertigo, such as a damaged inner ear.

What are the different types of vertigo?

There are two main types of vertigo: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is caused by a problem in the inner ear, while central vertigo is caused by a problem in the brain or the central nervous system.

What are the causes of vertigo?

The most common causes of vertigo include inner ear disorders, such as vestibular neuritis or Meniere's disease, as well as head or neck injuries, migraines, and certain medications. In some cases, vertigo may be caused by a brain tumor, multiple sclerosis or a stroke.

What are the risk factors for vertigo?

The risk factors for vertigo include age, with the condition being more common in older adults. Other risk factors include a history of inner ear disorders, migraines, head or neck injuries, and certain medications.

Can vertigo be prevented?

In some cases, vertigo may be prevented by avoiding known triggers, such as loud noises or sudden movements. It is also important to maintain good overall health, including managing any underlying medical conditions that may increase the risk of vertigo.

Is vertigo a serious condition?

Vertigo is not typically a serious condition, but it can be disruptive to a person's daily life and can cause significant discomfort. In some cases, vertigo can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such as a brain tumor or a stroke, and should be treated promptly by a healthcare professional.

Can vertigo be cured?

In many cases, vertigo can be effectively treated and managed, and the symptoms may resolve over time. However, in some cases, vertigo may be chronic and may require ongoing management and treatment. It is important to work closely with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan for your specific situation.