Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects the nerves in your extremities, such as your hands and feet. It can cause tingling, numbness, and pain, and can greatly impact your daily life.At our neurology clinic in Beverly Hills, we offer at-home and telehealth services to help diagnose and treat peripheral neuropathy. Our team of expert doctors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life.If you're experiencing any of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, don't hesitate to book an appointment with us. We'll work with you to determine the underlying cause of your condition and provide you with the care you need.Our at-home and telehealth services make it easy to access our expert care from the comfort of your own home. With just a few clicks, you can schedule an appointment and connect with one of our doctors.Don't let peripheral neuropathy control your life. Book an appointment with us today and take the first step towards relief and improved quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves that affects the hands, feet, and other extremities. It is caused by damage to the nerves that transmit information from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. This damage can lead to a variety of symptoms, including numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected areas.

What are the symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy?

he symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can vary depending on the type and severity of the damage to the nerves. Some common symptoms include:

  • Numbness or tingling in the affected areas

  • Weakness or a loss of muscle strength in the affected areas

  • Pain, often described as burning, shooting, or stabbing

  • Difficulty with coordination and balance

  • Sensitivity to touch

  • Changes of the skin in the affected areas

How do I know if I have Peripheral Neuropathy?

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider. They will be able to perform a physical examination and may order tests, such as nerve conduction studies, biopsies or imaging tests, to diagnose peripheral neuropathy.

What are the most common treatments for Peripheral Neuropathy?

The treatment of peripheral neuropathy will depend on the underlying cause of the condition. Some common treatments include:

  • Medications to manage pain and other symptoms

  • Physical therapy to improve muscle strength and coordination

  • Occupational therapy to help with daily activities

  • Supportive devices, such as canes or braces, to improve mobility

What are some common causes of Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Diabetes

  • Alcoholism

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Infections

  • Inherited disorders

  • Exposure to toxins

  • Certain medications

What are some ways to prevent Peripheral Neuropathy?

Some ways to prevent peripheral neuropathy include:

  • Managing conditions that can cause peripheral neuropathy, such as diabetes

  • Avoiding alcohol and other toxins

  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet

  • Maintaining a healthy weight

  • Getting regular exercise

Can Peripheral Neuropathy be cured?

In some cases, peripheral neuropathy can be reversed or improved with treatment. However, in other cases, the damage to the nerves may be permanent. It is important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for your specific situation.

What are some common complications of Peripheral Neuropathy?

Some common complications of peripheral neuropathy include:

  • Falls and injuries due to weakness or poor coordination

  • Foot ulcers and other foot problems

  • Infections in the affected areas

  • Difficulty with daily activities, such as dressing and bathing

  • Depression and other mental health issues

Can Peripheral Neuropathy lead to other health problems?

In some cases, peripheral neuropathy can lead to other health problems. For example, nerve damage in the feet can lead to foot ulcers, which can become infected. In addition, the loss of sensation in the feet can make it difficult to detect injuries or other problems, leading to further complications. It is important to monitor your symptoms and speak with a healthcare provider if you are experiencing any new or worsening symptoms.

Can Peripheral Neuropathy be treated with natural remedies?

Some people may find relief from their peripheral neuropathy symptoms with natural remedies, such as acupuncture or massage therapy. However, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, as natural remedies may not be effective for all individuals or may interfere with other medications. It is also important to remember that natural remedies are not a substitute for medical treatment and should not be used in place of proven therapies for peripheral neuropathy.